We have been practising design from ages. Invention and evolution of the wheel is a design process.
There were problems with the transportation of goods. At that time people must have undergone various observations. They must have made prototypes and would have tested them. Ultimately, with the years and inputs from people design was evolved.
Need of Evolution
From the above story, it is clear that evolution occurred in various areas of industry. Why was the development required? What were the factors that moulded progression?
After the industrial revolution, companies started to invest in research and development to retain the brand value in the market. Automotive and food entrepreneurs picked it up fastest. With this, user or consumer started getting attention. Slowly Human-Centric approach appeared. Consumers started becoming prime important factors for industries.
Evolution of Industry
With the evolving technology, the requirements and aspirations of consumers also got evolved. The mindset of consumers evolved from the need to experience in the following way
Need > Efficient > Satisfaction > Experience > Next…
If we trace the development of any commodity we will get the above things in common. Before the industrial revolution buyers were in want of the goods that would support them endure. After World War II the economy was juggling on stings as it suffered losses. That drove the consumer’s mindset to efficient sources of the developing these products. Later a stable economy started building moreover an urge of satisfaction in buyers got developed. In the short term, the customer mindset turned towards desire. Today’s buyer is ready to pay more for an excellent experience, whether be it related to sitting in a car or sipping a cold drink.
Today's Consumer
Today’s consumer is impatient.
If an app is not simple to operate they uninstall it within a minute. Every time they go to a shopping mall, they have so much variety and brands serving them, gave them the superpower of choice. A product gets just 3 seconds to establish its trust. If it proves itself right, only then it stays in the hands of the customer or goes back on the shelf.

Image from Google Search
How do industries sustain this competition?
Experience for Consumer
A company must know its target audience thoroughly before launching their product. To study the buyer is the first step of the design process of the product. If your merchandise can hit the right string of the heart only then a buyer is going to buy it. How do you connect to this string?
Design Thinking
Developing awareness of the changing inclinations of the target buyer is a challenging yet essential task. But with changing lifestyle and needs of employees, a brand must understand that this EXPERIENCE must evolve with time. This evolution must happen regularly and should mature with time. To make this happen an approach of design thinking must be applied.

Image from Google Search
Impact of Design Thinking
The value of design is difficult to define. Design is hard to isolate as a function. It operates differently for various sectors of industry. That makes it difficult to benchmark or standardized measurement metrics. Instead, DMI (Design Management Institute) chose to look at the value of design-focused organizations as an aggregate. In 2013, DMI and Motiv Strategies collaborated to develop a market index that could be used to track how design-focused companies perform relative to the S&P 500 over time. Fifteen US companies made the criteria for inclusion. The results supported a growing body of findings that good design drives shareholder value.

DMI Design Value Index (Source: Design Management Institute)
The companies investing in design were able to sell their products or services far more effectively, with sales representing an average of 34% of growth in their turnover, compared to just 18% in companies that did not use design.
Over ten years period, design-driven companies outperformed the rest of the S&P index by 228%.
Keon Designs
We at Keon Designs use this design thinking to serve our clients. It has been recorded that our clients have generated commendable results with our approach. To get in touch with us for supporting your company please contact us on the following link.
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