Atharva Energy Solutions deal in installation of centralized Air Conditioning Systems in hospitals and big malls in different cities of India. Keon Designs took part in developing the Brand Strategy for company’s future expansion from design perspective. Keon Designs was also involved to develop the total brand design or Logo and other collateral designs of Atharva Energy Solutions.

Air Conditioning
Design Intend
The need was to create a visual identity of the company. Since, the company deal in air conditioning so the attributes like warm and cool were considered and different visuals for logo were created.
Two colors like Blue and Orange highlighting cool and warm effect of the air conditioning were preferred in visual language of the company.

ideations of Logo
What happens when company goes global?
After first phase of Ideations, a discussion was held with client regarding the future targets and goals of the company.
Client said “We are looking for international clients in Dubai and other countries”
Our team designer asked “If that is the future prospect, then why we are using Atharva Energy Solutions which is difficult for a foreign consumer to pronounce as the whole name?
Why not AES!! That’s it! Easy to use and pronounce for consumer !”
The whole brand statergy changed considering the future goals of the company and now AES came into existence.

AES text logo ideations

AES text logo ideations
Color explorations

AES Logo Design by Keon Designs

AES Logo Design by Keon Designs
Final Logo Design

Logo Design by Keon Designs
Thank You.