MGS is an authorized distributors of welding, cutting and safety products ,based in Pune, India. They wanted to make a logo representing what they do and connect with all retail store companies dealing in welding, cutting and safety products across nation. Keon Designs approach to create the Logo for them was to develop it for easy remembering.

MGS Technologies Concepts logo by keon designs
Considering the strong, mechanical and sturdy product range of the company ,we focussed on making MGS logo as a bold and intense type. Various ideations were created and proposed to client.

MGS Technologies Concepts logo by keon designs
Client said “ These logos are more visual. We want strong typeface to attract the customer. ”
Designer said “ Visuals helps to connect with client and create the strong first impression in mind ”
Client said “ Right! But MGS should appear strong and focus on three major domains of welding, cutting and safety products so that any one who reads this comes to us directly”
Designer said “Done! let’s do it! ”

MGS Technologies Concepts text logo by keon designs
The Final Logo
Designer said, “ lets create the Typography of Logo as Strong, Sturdy and like stencil type. The alphabets with gaps in between will give stencil look. The design language should be kept bold to emphasis on product based company ”

MSG Technologies final logo Design by Keon Designs
Colours considered were green and black because MGS being an authorised distributor sells the product range to retailers in the same colour palette. So, in order to create harmony and consistency in brand language, the green and black colours were considered to develop the logo.

Background Color for Wallpaper Design by Keon Designs

MSG Branding Design by Keon Designs
Thank You.